
May 16, 2024 Congrats Uthman on his ACL paper!
Apr 1, 2024 Excited to kick off a project with Toyota!
Jan 26, 2024 Excited to kick off a project with The Home Depot!
Nov 10, 2023 Congrats Uthman, Jesse, and Shanshan for getting their first paper accepted at the Neurips Algorithmic Fairness Workshop! As a spotlight paper!
Nov 1, 2023 Very excited to help establish a Center of Excellence! I’ll be leading the Human-AI Collaboration research thrust with a strong emphasis on all aspects of Trustworthy AI. We are hiring!
May 4, 2023 Very excited to give a talk at ARL/ICT. Looking forward to all the wonderful future collaborations.
Jan 1, 2023 Excited to join Georgia State University as an Assistant Professor!